Entrance gate automation engineer in Highcliffe, Dorset
Autogate entrance gate automation and repairs in Dorset and Hampshire
We have over 35 years experience in the supply, installation and repair of Gate Automation and Access Control systems. We work throughout Hampshire and Dorset from Poole to the New Forest.
supply, installation and repair of Gate Automation and Access Control systems. We work throughout Hampshire and Dorset.

office: 07799 643878 | call: 07799 643 878
e: info@autogate-newforest.co.uk

call: 07799 643878


Gate Automation Servicing & Repair

Your gate system is a machine that operates outside and is subject to all the elements that come with being outside. Wind, rain, localised flooding, temperature, movement within the ground, mother natures little critters etc. Just like you have your car serviced and an MOT, your gates will require some aftercare and every install will require different needs.

Most manufactures of all automation equipment will require the system to have the neccessary service record to uphold their warranty and it is during this period that a good gate engineer can guage the frequency of aftercare that your system will need. We are very pro-active within this field and have put together a helpfull list of what we do.

Do I need a Service?

The same question from all of our customers is asked when we hand over a finished installation and that is "how often does it require a service" I would love to say that your system has been designed to become virtually maintenance free, that statement isnt far from the truth if we were to remove any external influence such as the enviorement and mother nature.

Please see our automated gate service checklist below, along with our auxiliary components inspection checklist. These areas are all prone to wear and tear and will require maintenance.
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Automated entrance gate service checklist
Condition of gates and all associated welding.
De-grease, clean and re-lubricate all moving parts.
Check alignments of gates and motor shafts and adjust where necessary.
Removal of motor covers, de-grease and clean.
Removal of all foreign bodies and moisture from motor foundation casements.
Check drainage ducts and clear when necessary.
Check motor bearings and oil seals.
Check motor link assembly arms.
Check hydraulic oil levels and top up.
Drain old hydraulic oil and replenish with new.
Check condition of all hydraulic hoses and unions and re-torque where necessary.
Check hydraulic flow and return valves and adjust if required (anti-crush)
Purge hydraulic systems of air.
Check all fixing bolts
Inspect all manual release systems, service where necessary.
Check condition of all internal and external wiring
Check all motor and gate limit stops and motor run on time
Inspect and clean out all safety photocells and realign where necessary
Auxiliary component checklist
Induction loops and controls
Proximity readers
Entry and exit beams
Safety edges
Control boards
Power supplies
Circuit breakers (rccd)
Radio receivers, remote controls, antenna`s
External command buttons
Warning lamps and sounders

Any additional works regarding repairs will be subject to consultation with customer prior to carrying out.
All work will be recorded in log book and risk assessment findings will be discussed with customer

We have over 35 years experience installing and repairing market leading automation systems. We are happy to repair or install products from the following brands and will endeavor to assist with all automation and entry systems:
© copyright Autogate New Forest
49 Highridge Crescent, New Milton, Hampshire